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Bookmark page

The purpose of this page is to provide usefull bookmarks, especially for developers. The bookmarks are not really smartly sorted, so be indulgent. As soon as I find a bookmark useful, I try not to forget to add it here, since I personally use that page on that purpose.


  • Java Swing philosophy in practice, a really excellent explanation on how Swing works: Java look and feel design guidelines
  • Java offers the opportunity to parse some code and to yield some doclets: the site Doclet.Com brings you the opportunity to take benefit of that feature
  • Java and Internet Explorer native JVM: take a look at Microsoft site in order to undertand how to sign an applet.

Window's world

  • Did you know that you could get some more precise information on your PC running under Windows NT/2000, by executing C:\WINNT\system32\winmsd.exe?
  • In order to take benefit of automatic completion under a DOS console through the tab key, open the registry editor (regedit), search for "CompletionChar" or directly go "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Command Processor" and change the value of that key to 9 (it should be equal to 0 formerly). This works under Windows NT and Windows 2000; maybe on other Mircrosoft OS versions...
  • The following page shows how to take the fullest benefit of Windows Explorer, with command-line switches: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q130510. This works under Windows 95, NT, 2000.
  • How to make a PC bootable ? The following page http://www.ora.nsysu.edu.tw/~goldentime/bootcd01.htm gives you some helpful details concerning this issue

Internet development

HTML meta tags and robots

HTML meta tags are used by web search engine in order to determine what may be inside an HTML page: The Web Robots Pages help you understand better the way it works.

A good site that explains many things concerning web robots is the Search Engine Watch .


New specifications enable the developer to focus on the business logic, on pure information rather than the way it is presented...



What is meant by dynamical is the ability for a site to react to the internaut behaviour.
PHP: HyperText Preprocessor (PHP) is a well known and supported language, which enables to develop Internet sites.


Some site offer to host your dynamic web site.


eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) is a normative specification, which enables to transform XML into almost anything: all you are reading has been processed through an XSLT.
  • A first tutorial, the content of which I forgot a little bit, from TopXML
  • A second tutorial, which presents the benefit to explain rather clearly what it is about is proposed by webmonkey
  • The must tutorial proposed by an excellent site concerning XML, its relatives and derivatives is a golden mine for the developer who wites its first XSL files. Discover ZVON site!
  • You may find tutorials in XSLT.com site!

Object Oriented

Object Oriented (OO) is a programming paradigm that somehow personifies and structures much the algorithms into object belonging to classes. The Object Managment Group (OMG) plays a decisive role concerning OO is being normalized.

Adaptative models

  • With needs ever evolving for a given application, it would more and more interesting to develop applications able to be flexible in the way the business logic data is represented: the aim of Meta-Object Facility (MOF) is to try to normalize this need.
  • Another approach is also called Adaptative Object-Model (AOM) and it especially focuses on the notion of metadata.


Message Oriented Middleware

A open-source project that uses Message Oriented Middleware (MOM): xmlBlaster

Portable Digital Assistant (PDA)

Palm Pilot


  • Babel Fish proposes to translate online some sentences


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