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Home Page

This page is the Edouard Mercier web site home page. Enjoy your visit and do not hesitate to send feedback!

If you are an employer or that you are interested in my professional profile, please go to the professional part.

Welcome to my web site. I prompt people to send me constructive suggestions, so as to improve this site. This site is still under construction. However, it gathers all kind of information concerning me.

I designed this site on my leisure time: be indulgent concerning the layout of that site, especially concerning the colors used (I am not good at all at that game).

Mes excuses aux francophones

Avant tout, je souhaite présenter mes excuses à celles et à ceux qui ne comprennent pas l'anglais. J'espère qu'ils comprendront que ce choix de l'anglais représente l'occasion de se faire comprendre par le plus grand nombre de personnes. Cependant, je compte rédiger également une version française que je commencerai aussitôt que j'en aurai fini avec cette version anglaise.

I am lost: help me!

You are lost in this site, or even on this page? You do not understand at all the logic of this site? In this case, it means that the way the site is presented is not intuitive enough and you should e-mail me. Anyway, let me help you to understand the logic of this site.

You are currently on the home page of this site; the home page is a kind of welcome page where you should find overall information concerning the whole site.

This site is composed by topics; as it naturally sounds, a topic is a gathering of pages related to a common feature denoted by the meaning of the topic (at least, it should ;-). You are currently on the Home topic. On its turn, each topic is made of one or more pages.

How to browse

This site is accessible via a top index (the banner at the top of the page): this index shows the different topics handled; the topics are separated by "|" items. The topic currently selected is represented by a ">> <<" mark, in opposition to the other topics that may be clicked on (they are hyperlinks).

On a given topic, you may find several pages that are related to it: these pages are indicated on the line bellow in the same way as the topics.

On most of the pages, I did my best to respect kind of a methodology, so that you can find an abstract at the head of each page, but also whom the current page is addressed to. Most of the pages have their menu, which stand on the left of the page, and that enables to direct you to a given section of the page.

You may also find an index page that gathers all the abbreviations, products and technologies mentioned in this site.


In order to better understand the layout of this site, I should explain how to decode the items that are used throughout the HTML pages.

  • An abbreviation like SVG is put in bold characters and when you place the cursor above it, you should see the expended name of the abbreviation (Scalable Vector Graphics).
  • A product or technology like Scalable Vector Graphics may lead to another web page
  • When a link has this layout (this is an invalid link in that case), it means that the link is still under the site. In opposition, when a link has this layout , it means that it points to an external web page, and when you click on it, a new browser will open with that page.


Now, if you want to know how I designed this site or if you would like to understand what the HTML pages of this site are made of, take a look at the how-to page.

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